Friday, July 26, 2013

A Mitzvah In My Grandmother's Memory

In part of my grandmother's death, I need all women and their friends to light the candles of Shabbat, to do so, light a candle before dark tonight. It is a big mitzvah for all to do.
Thank You

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Sharing With My Great Grandmother

Last week my family and I went to visit my Great Grandma Goldie who is 103 years old. I read to her my latest post on mitzvahs and it brought joy to her ears. Even though Great Grandma Goldie couldn't hear that well, she thought it was a lovely post. Great Grandma Goldie spent her whole life doing mitzvahs for others. She helped many family members in different ways. Today, her family members are giving her the mitzvahs she gave others such as giving her companionship and lending a helping hand.  When I told her I was going to Israel for my Bat Mitzvah and helping a girl my age in Israel, she thought it would be a rememorable and meaningful experience. She wishes she would be able to join my family and I. She hopes to be around to hear about the experience.

P.S. I still haven't gotten a letter from Shira but I will let everyone know once I do.

Monday, July 8, 2013

What a Mitzvah Means To Me and How You Can Do One

I'm going to tell you the meaning of mitzvah. A mitzvah is a good deed. It is also thought as a way to connect to hashem and our neshama which is our soul. For example: Donating money to a organization like I am doing, helping a senior cross the road, and  helping out with activities at school.

I bet your wondering, what does a mitzvah mean to me? Well, to me, a mitzvah is doing something good. In the Jewish religion, a mitzvah is very important. There are 613 biblical commandments in the torah. They are called commandments.  A few of the hundreds of mitzvahs that I do is going to shul on Friday nights.  It is a mitzvah because on Friday night, it is the beginning of Shabbat. On Shabbat, we push aside everything that worries us and think of ALL the positives. Before you start to pray the joyful songs of Shabbat, the woman light special candles, which is one of the mitzvahs you can do. Another mitzvah is to pray before you eat anything with a special Hebrew prayer.  Those are a few ways to do a mitzvah.

My own personal, special mitzvah is sharing my Bat Mitzvah with a girl my age who has been affected by terrorism in Israel. I bet your wondering, why is it a mitzvah? Well, I get to help her and give her a day she'll never forget by sharing this special Jewish custom. I also still get to help other kids and their families that have also been affected by terror by raising awareness of the organization CVTP. Also as I learn more about Shira, I could create a special bond that will never end. Please continue following my blog to learn about all the mitzvahs I do for my Mitzvah Project.
Stay tuned for the next post,